Chaos Crew 5e

By Now, We Accept the Imperial Inquisition

Little Chomp Season 2 Episode 18

Hit us up on the Holonet.

With our squad separated and Mos Eisley under attack, the CIS is scrambling a little. To make things worse, the inquisitors who have been tracking us for a while are closing in. Will we ever get to leave this sandball of a planet behind?

Season 1 Setting: This world is based on Eiichiro Oda's One Piece.
Season 1 Game System: We are using the homebrew supplement by Joyful Gent and Bluebeary, which was inspired by u/Mr-Silvers.
Season 2 Setting: This galaxy is based on George Lucas' Star Wars.
Season 2 Game System:
We are using the Star Wars 5e system by Delta Squad, which can be found at
Season 3 Setting: This world is based on Pokémon.
Season 3 Game System: We are using the now defunct Pokémon 5e system.

Theme Song: The Chaos Crew podcast was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.
Background Music: We are using Stream Beats by Senpai Music Group LLC under the terms of their Synchronization and Master Use License.

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