Chaos Crew 5e
We're an actual play D&D group who almost exclusively uses homebrew setting expansions in our games. Our game has taken us to the worlds of One Piece, Star Wars, and Pokemon so far.
No matter where we end up, we're just a pack of chaos goblins in pretty hats. I have no idea how the DMs stay sane.
58 episodes
You're a Lopunny Guy, Aren't You?
Now that we all have 2 pokemon, it’s time for us to explore Route 1 a bit more. None of us have really interacted with other trainers before, but it shouldn’t be too hard. What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Season 3
Episode 2

We're All Nuzlocking, Right Guys?
Four teens gather in the Lesk region and accept the task of hurriedly gathering pokemon scans for the local professor to make it look like he’s been conducting typical research for the last few years. Kai, Nani, Lyle, and Tadakatsu meet in Hale...
Season 3
Episode 1

Season Two Recap
It's that time again- we're switching game systems and seasons. Just in case we return to Star Wars, or in case you want an overview of how the last 6 months went, here's my recap of season two. (Sorry about all the page turning noise.)
Season 2
Episode 33

Behind the Scenes: Saying Goodbye
We're drawing season two to a close and moving on to season three. Just like last time, we've got a recap to help us out if we ever come back to Star Wars. (Which is possible- there was actually discussion about going back to One Piece.) But fo...
Season 2
Episode 32

I Love a Good Earworm
Sett, 00M-3N, Snapper, Lulu, Rick, Kyle, and the rest of the crew start to explore the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa. Gecko makes Olachi an offer that’s hard to refuse, but then again, bad things happened the last time she left everyone behind…
Season 2
Episode 31

One Bad Day Away From Breaking
Gecko agrees to take Olachi and Ricky to the archives. Sett decides how he’s going to handle the contract on Gecko’s life. 00M-3N recruits Snapper and tries to get her somewhere safe. And Veynn disappears without a trace. Clearly, we’re all pro...
Season 2
Episode 30

Trust Has a Price
The party is still struggling to compare notes, reconnect, and coordinate. Without a clear leader, the team is being pulled between conflicting goals, and now several power players are involved. This isn’t looking good…
Season 2
Episode 29

Wait- They Did What?!
Sett and Olachi have been loosely coordinating with the Black Suns’ hit on Gecko and the message Obi-Wan recorded in a holocron. 00M3N’s actions have gotten the attention of the wrong people, and he meets a young zebrak named Snapper. By the ti...
Season 2
Episode 28

Behind the Scenes: 00M-3N
We took a week off from the game, so now's as good a time as any to wrap up the character profiles for our CIS squad. This week, Aku joins me to talk about his B1 droid, starship combat, and more.
Season 2
Episode 27

Gotta Go My Own Way
Circumstances have pulled the squad into solo missions. 00M-3N deals with the consequences of the hit squad’s actions at the hangar. Faced with unexpected obstacles, Olachi makes a choice that will shape the future of the jedi order. Sett leads...
Season 2
Episode 26

Completely Foreseeable Consequences
Under normal circumstances, a battle droid should easily overpower an astromech droid in a fight. But what happens when you pick a fight with a slicer who’s in her lair? Looks like 00M-3N is about to find out…
Season 2
Episode 25

Just Rip My Heart Out Already!
Veynn calls a meeting on the ship, and everyone heads back on board to figure out what they’re starting with, but it only takes a few minutes for things to go sideways. If we can’t fix this, one member of the team might actually leave…
Season 2
Episode 24

Behind the Scenes: Making the Show
This isn't anything special, but if you've ever wondered how our show would sound if we were all chipmunks, then here's your answer.
Season 2
Episode 23

Growing Pains
It takes about a week to get from the CIS station to Nar Shaddaa, so our crew has a little time to train, talk, and settle in. Having a break is nice, but as we travel, tensions start to emerge among the group…
Season 2
Episode 22

Matters of the Heart
Kaelor continues to find his place within the team, and the group chooses a planet to go to next. (BB-69 is still recharging right now, so they ought to be pretty surprised to wake up on the Smuggler’s Moon. Hopefully, they’ll like it!)
Season 2
Episode 21

Behold the Bard Boy
Now that our crew has reached the CIS station, it’s time to get supplies, buy new gear, and find out who Admiral Kuff has hired to replace Hazi. If we’re lucky, we’ll get to enjoy this break before the next disaster hits.
Season 2
Episode 20

I'm Down For Murder
It’s time to break the Imperial defenses and get out of here. We’re all together for the first time in ages, our medical droid gained sentience, and we’ve got unexpected backup. I believe in us.
Season 2
Episode 19

By Now, We Accept the Imperial Inquisition
With our squad separated and Mos Eisley under attack, the CIS is scrambling a little. To make things worse, the inquisitors who have been tracking us for a while are closing in. Will we ever get to leave this sandball of a planet behind?
Season 2
Episode 18

Behind the Scenes: K'Yark
For our first Tusken Sun character profile, I’m going into K’Yark’s backstory and starting relationships with the other PCs. For Tusken Sun, we actually deliberately planned out links between our characters before the game started, which is a n...
Season 2
Episode 17

It’s Raining Fire on Tattooine
Well, it looks like all of our hard work was for nothing, so it’s back to the grind for us. The CIS squad is stuck on a foreign planet, trying to liberate a city from Imperial control, and wondering when, if ever, we’ll get to mark our first mi...
Season 2
Episode 16

Behind the Scenes: Sett
Some unexpected stuff came up, and we had to take another week off. I hope you guys are having a good week, and that you enjoy listening to Aric tell us more about Sett, our resident gangster and gray jedi.
Season 2
Episode 15

Behind the Scenes: Olachi
I got a bit of extra downtime after recording the first session of Tusken Sun, so I recorded a character profile for you guys. I’m not sure what happened to get in the way of our regular release this week, but at least we’re not leaving you han...
Season 2
Episode 14

Everything's Coming Up Ricky
After our glorious victory in the Death Jam 5000, the Masked Furries are invited to not one, but TWO parties! It’ll be nice to kick back and live like celebrities for a little bit. Good thing there aren’t any loose ends we forgot about since la...
Season 2
Episode 13

Behind the Scenes: Promise You Won't Tell
Anybody ready for some DM secrets? Way back during the Revenge NPCs interview, I learned a bunch of things that Olachi (and the other players) aren’t supposed to know. Out of all of them, I’m most excited about the possibility of finding and ex...
Season 2
Episode 12

Behind the Scenes: Tusken Lore
I had a little extra time for prep, so here’s an example of some of the content that typically gets cut from our games. If you like lore debates, then you’ve been missing out. (Also, if any of you have read the novel that I’m referencing, PLEAS...
Season 2
Episode 11